Para acercarse al lugar de la ceremonia, la congregación de Haul Abah Guru se reunió voluntariamente para dormir frente a las casas de las personas.


Sunday, January 5, 2025 – 07:41 WIB

South Kalimantan, VIVA – Millions of Aba Guru Sekumpul Muhibbin from different regions and provinces have gathered around Musala Ar-Rawda, the main place of the 20th Communion, on the morning of Sunday, January 5, 2025.

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His presence was nothing but an expression of his love for the character of KH Muhammad Zaini bin Abdul Ghani. In fact, few are willing to sleep in front of people’s houses to reach the nearest place to the main place of activity.

A congregation brought from Mustalih, Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan. He and his group of 6 people chose to sleep in minimal conditions in front of a resident’s house.

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He is known as KH Muhammad Saini bin Abdul Ghani or Aba Guru Sekumpul.


  • Faidurrahman (South Kalimantan)

According to him, that is, when the dragging took place, it was probably near the tomb of Aba Guru Sekumpul next to Musala ar-Rauda.

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Meeting Abah Guru Sekumpul, an eighth generation Banjar native scholar of Sheikh Arsyad Al-Banjari

“We have intentionally made it easy to make a pilgrimage to his (KH Muhammad Zaini bin Abdul Ghani -Ratu) grave after the drag,” he said.

He also said he was worried that he would not be able to stay close to the main transport hub if he chose to rest in accommodation provided free of charge by the local community and the government.

“We want to maximize the opportunities of this annual moment,” he said.

The excavation of Aba Guru Sekumpul takes place between Maghrib and Isha. However, many in the trailer congregation chose to leave their prayer rugs from the evening onwards.

For your information, Banjar Regency and Banjarbaru City Education Services have agreed to provide free accommodation for transportation congregations from dozens of schools of various levels.

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“We want to maximize the opportunities of this annual moment,” he said.

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